Wednesday, September 22, 2004

so i slipped off my sheath of social retardation and went to a party with a magician friend. once there we were mortified by a cheese pastry with cherries masquerading as bloody body parts. this inspired a conversation with a jovial paramedic who when presseed for details of his most horrific memory, told me of a man who had been down at the los angeles train yard and had a train remove all the skin from his hands and arms like long dinner gloves being peeled off. then i saw an old biker neighbor who pulled up his pants and showed me ravine like gashes from a semi running over his legs on the way home from his fathers funeral. soon the room filled with a 1000 people who all were laughing uproariously at nothing at all and flirting with one another in a sickening fashion and i became uttery bored and removed some clothing and slipped into a moon lit swimming pool. there, i straddled a large rubber ducky and managed to ride it down the pool slide without injury, thereby evading the concussion i had secretly yearned for. eventually a charming short man with very long hair lured me from the pool with a dry towel and vodka drink and we sat in a fashionably decored living room and discussed his illustrious career as an animal trainer until i became distracted by the contents of an aquarium behind his animated head. inside was a huge fish with a bubble-like tumor encasing one eye, moving in lugubrious spirals within the confines of his life and i suddenly needed to be home so i slunk outside and sat on the dark lawn facing away from the warm laughter spilling out of the house and i waited for my friend the magician to make me disappear.  Posted by Hello


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