Thursday, February 17, 2005

.....the health department came bumping along down the dirt road in a very official black car to inquire as to the accusations that i was raising sheep for nefarious purposes so i laughed in their fat pasty faces and promptly nailed the door shut, made some tea from a noxious weed and donned the bottom half of a skunk suit with a festive avocado bikini print top and resumed my mercury experiments which consisted of shooting the lovely stuff from a hypodermic needle into the bathtub to watch it scatter then congregate back unto itself as i believe all things bright and arrogant should do but then my skunk tail, being the rather unwieldy bit of glamour that it was, became firmly ensnared in the small insect filled space between the tub and eucalyptus tree growing in the bathroom and i found myself trapped like a rat and the record player was skipping madly and all time became a rather ominous tick tock slowing down and i realized that some worlds were small and horrid places and i turned up my eyes in supplication to the aggravated crow who kept company with me against his better judgement and he sucked them from my giving head like flavorful lozenges and when he later took to flight, there i went- away and with him, away.......  Posted by Hello


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