Thursday, July 08, 2004

Meet Janison Animus- the last surviving member of the Salleeb Oom Paugh/Balicoot Zetlotay Empire of Cats (which have graced my life for the last decade) Janison patterns herself after the great and horrible ferret named shredni vishtar in the short story by saki. in real life, she is the essential destoyer of all things paper- lyrics, library books, photographs, checkbooks, paychecks, phone bills, letters from mother, childrens report cards- even the paper casually waiting to be sucked through the printer- nothing is safe, all fuel for her murderous vendetta. she returned one time after being lost for 6 days in a rainstorm and a coyote convention. she leaves her luxurious fur everywhere and can eat more that her weight in a day. at night she will settle down and i will listen to her sigh and she will climb in bed and be my pillow. Posted by Hello


Blogger Pallas Cat said...

Cat! ^_^

2:10 PM  

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