Wednesday, November 28, 2007

S.M.C., loved one in the barn so long ago - forgive me finally. please for i dream of you often. tonight i was broken again, had maliciously punctured a hole in your mechanics package and had watched the stuffing soar high as a plastic clear fountain. i leaned back on rough concrete, scuffed elbows and felt your merciful hand alight in a golden strand of my hair and the world was bright but for a moment and television played from a small radio and your guitar spoke well in your hands and on the hill, the wolf was set free and our collected filthy addictions went with her..i dream of you so often. the one so equal to me in insanity, strength of conviction pointed in a wrong direction..break out. swell into the sea.


Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

utterly brilliant.
grandiose. dark. passionate. ethereal. everthing and more.
worth the wait when posts like this appear.

8:52 AM  

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