give me another war mortality statistic-factual in black and white on dioxin laden paper so i can chew it up into a little ball then cut open a slice of skin on the tender inner part of my arm and in a secret act of defiance- insert it there and wear long sleeves and move in an accustomed way through the days as they bring various weather patterns and changes and my mind will be distracted by shiny objects of very little importance until the skin around the intrusion begins to redden and recoil and an army of cells begin to march towards the offensive object and there will be concern and fervor and applications of archaic tinctures and repeated observations but infection will begin it's dutiful march through the tributaries that lead to the heart and the usual vibrant manuevers will slow down causing the mind to fill with debris until the flight of thoughts clutter and jam shut after racing in circles of worry and then it's quiet and the Point reaches the heart and the Point proves what is not readily seen but is as sharp and clear as ice.